How can Telsis support your business?

Gamma contact us

Contact form.

    Ocean Services PlatformTelsis Contact Centre



    Locations and contact information.

    Telsis is located in the UK and in Deutschland.

    • London

      Gamma Telecom
      Holland House
      4 Bury St
      EC3A 5AW

      T: 03330169999
      E: [email protected]

    • Portsmouth

      Gamma Telecom
      The Port House
      Marina Keep
      Port Solent
      PO6 4TH

      T: 03330169999
      E: [email protected]

    • Deutschland

      Robert-Bosch-Straße 7
      64293 Darmstadt

      T: +49 6151 827 850
      E: [email protected]